
California's Compassion

Published on January 12th, 2012

Playing host to 23% of the illegal alien population is such a compassionate act.  The states of Arizona, Georgia, Alabama and others could stand to learn a lesson from the caring taxpayers of California.  What other state with a $13B deficit could find it in its heart to reward illegal aliens with "free" healthcare, college scholarships, authorization to flout immigration laws and jobs to boot?

The taxpayers of California granted Antonio Fuentes 374 days of hospital care.  Mr. Fuentes was admitted to the hospital on December 26, 2010.  His doctors discovered that his abdomen was fully infected due to an infected pancreas. The infection had eaten away his tissues and intestines.  Over the course of his stay, Mr. Fuentes had 12 surgeries under the supervision of three trauma surgeons and with the care of numerous nurses, physicians, physician assistants and other medical personnel.  The hospital will send taxpayers the bill at a later date.  For now, Mr. Fuentes has healed. After living in the US as an illegal alien since 1997, he will return to Mexico to live with his parents and work at their local business, unless he wants to go to college.

California's taxpayers have also provided scholarships to illegal aliens to attend California's public university systems.  Illegal aliens who have managed to escape capture at the border will now be rewarded with a four-year college education for their crafty and elusive behavior and skill in flouting the US immigration laws.

Do not fret about any employees of the city or county of San Francisco.  Since they are forbidden to assist any agency in the identification or establishment of immigration status, they have more time to handle other administrative matters.  The only time public safety personnel will become involved is if the illegal alien has been caught or found guilty of violating a city, county, state or federal criminal law (excluding violating US immigration laws, of course).  San Francisco, much like the state of California, just seeks to save the residents a little time.

The use of a free federal system with 99.5% accuracy to verify an employee is legally eligible to work in the US is an impetus to employment.  Instantaneous verification of eligibility is a chore.  As a result, AB1236 also known as the Employment Acceleration Act of 2011 will remove this pesky obstacle for employers.

California's overabundance of compassion puts the rest of the states like Arizona, Georgia and Alabama to shame.  Why can't these states simply follow California's example?  Protecting taxpayers and ensuring taxpayer monies and resources are only for law-abiding citizens and legal immigrants, what a bunch of racists!

* By federal law, the US is not allowed to refuse medical care to anyone who needs it.  However, medical care is not free; the costs are borne by paying patients in the form of higher medical costs.

References & resources

Illegal immigrants move from America's edges to the center: http://www.dailyfinance.com/2011/02/10/illegal-immigrants-move-from-americas-edges-to-the-center/

Man set to go home today after more than year at Fresno hospital: http://www.fresnobee.com/2012/01/03/2669593/man-will-leave-fresno-hospital.html

Effort to repeal California DREAM Act comes up short: http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/california-politics/2012/01/california-dream-act-repeal-falls-short.html

San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 12H: Immigration Status: http://sfgsa.org/index.aspx?page=1069

E-Verify: The Facts: http://www.numbersusa.com/content/files/EVerifyFactSheet011111.pdf

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