
GOP's Suicide by Immigration

Published on June 11th, 2013

Marco Rubio's Gang of Eight amnesty, if passed, will virtually guarantee the demise of the GOP as we know it, leaving true conservatives to flounder amidst the onrush of millions upon millions of so called "undocumented democrats." The nails are in the coffin, and the GOP has handed Obama the hammer.

The GOP conservative grassroots base (i.e., Republican voters) understands that amnesty portends political suicide and abandonment of conservative values, including secure borders and enforcement of existing immigration laws. The disconnect lies not with them, but with party leaders.

Entrenched corporate-sponsored puppeteers who manipulate the party for greed and profit ("Conservatism, Inc.") are fixated upon sentencing the Republican Party to a lingering death via amnesty. GOP elites flippantly discount concerns that conservative voters will leave the party. "'Where else are they going to go?' asked Sig Rogich, a veteran Las Vegas-based Republican operative who has long pushed for a more immigrant-friendly GOP. 'They'll get over it.'"

Patrick J. Buchanan noted the disastrous consequences of amnesty for illegal aliens:

"First, it will enrage populist conservatives who supported the GOP because they believed the party's pledges to oppose amnesty, secure the border and stop illegals from taking jobs from American…the Democratic Party would eventually gain from an amnesty a net of between 2 and 4 million new voters."

Research by the Center for Immigration Studies confirms that "A comparison of voting patterns in presidential elections across counties over the last three decades shows that large-scale immigration has caused a steady drop in presidential Republican vote shares throughout the country."

Supporting facts reveal that in 1988, George H.W. Bush received 30% Hispanic support. In 1992, he received 25% of the Hispanic vote. Pro-amnesty John McCain was rejected by 67% of Hispanic voters in 2008. In 2012, Romney, soft on immigration enforcement, was rejected by 71% of Hispanic voters.

Further analysis reveals that the claim that in the 2008 election, voters rejected anti-immigration "hardliner" Republicans in favor of comprehensive immigration-reform Democrats is false.

Former Congressman Tom Tancredo observed that:

"The RNC is choosing to endorse and repeat the disastrous 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli amnesty plan despite the plain evidence of its failure…Hispanic voters have been registering Democrats and voting Democratic by a 2-to-1 ratio for over 40 years, long before immigration became an issue!"

Even back in 2000, years after the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act "one time amnesty," the writing was on the wall:

"But the Republican hour is rapidly drawing to a close… it is being drowned—as a direct result of the 1965 Immigration Act…. Nine-tenths of the immigrant influx is from groups with significant—sometimes overwhelming—Democratic propensities."

How did Republicans lose sight of their primary value system – that is, faith in a Constitutional Republic based upon the rule of law? Perhaps some high-priced consultant told the GOP that amnesty for illegals is inevitable, and that they must join the amnesty brigade or fall by the wayside. Perhaps the interminable pressure of corporate America for an unending supply of cheap, foreign job seekers and new consumers finally took its toll.

Fatefully forgetting that immigrants don't vote for limited government and curtailed government handouts, the GOP's response was: give us the noose, we'll do the rest. Grassroots Republicans are pondering whether they want a single party Democratic regime to control the destiny of the U.S. forever. GOP leadership seems to think they do.


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