Illegal Alien Kiddie Colonists Invited by Obama Administration
Published on July 2nd, 2014
Would you send your ten-year-old child to travel unaccompanied 1,000 miles from Guatemala to the United States – riding on top of gang-infested trains? It’s quite commonplace south of the border. So much for “immigrant family values.”
It’s anticipated that 60,000 children will be sent up – or sent for – to sneak into the U.S. in 2014, and the number is expected to more than double to 130,000 in 2015.
We, the taxpayers, are paying to house, care for and transport these illegal aliens to parents and relatives in the U.S. The White House has projected a staggering cost of $2.28 billion to care for and resettle child migrants from Central America. On top of that, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder Jr. announced that the Obama administration would pay for 100 lawyers to help these underage illegal aliens remain in the U.S.
Why are they sneaking into the U.S. anyway?
In 2010, the DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) failed to pass the House. It specified a six-year path for illegal alien “children” between the ages of 12 and 35 to eventually become U.S. citizens. Nevertheless, in 2012, President Obama unilaterally implemented a new program called Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).
Now, Obama is renewing this two-year amnesty for a half-million illegal aliens.
The message is clear to those who listen. Everyone knows that Obama isn’t enforcing immigration laws. In particular, those in Central and South American countries are quite attuned to which way the immigration wind blows. They know that the U.S. isn’t deporting illegal alien children, so their rational response is to send even more. Central American newspapers are reporting that kids sent to America will be fed and cared for and will get to play Ping-pong and Foosball. Interviews with 230 of these migrants showed that the main reason they traveled to the U.S. was “to take advantage of the ‘new’ U.S. law that grants a free pass or permit.”
In a video clip from Dennis Michael Lynch, the documentary filmmaker warns that the invasion is only beginning:
It’s about to get worse. . . Entire villages are emptying out and coming from Central America through Mexico to the United States. They’ll be hitting in the next couple weeks. What you are seeing right now is the tip of the iceberg.
What is to be done?
Some say that it our responsibility to house, feed, clothe and care for these kiddies while finding homes for them in the U.S. Certainly, we should not let them starve. The common-sense, humanitarian and legal thing to do would be to send them back home – along with their illegal alien parents and relatives living in the U.S.
In order to shut off the flow, an effective action would be to send the National Guard to secure America’s southern border. Obama established precedent when he deployed 1,200 National Guard troops in 2010. While they essentially held desk jobs, this time around they could actually spend time helping our understaffed, underpaid and highly dedicated Border Patrol agents.
For the cost of taking care of these kids, we could secure our border. As John Derbyshire points out, if you divide $2.28 billion by 2,000 miles of border, you get a little over a million dollars per mile. The Israelis spend less than that to safely secure their own border. For that amount, we could permanently staff border patrol posts every ten miles, and have rapid response teams and drone surveillance to boot.
Naturally, President Obama isn’t lifting a finger – nor his infamous executive pen – to secure our border. Not wanting to miss a grand – and grandstanding – opportunity to cater to Undocumented Democrats, the White House is framing the onrush of kiddies as a “humanitarian crisis.” Senator Jeff Sessions noted that “Obama has nobody to blame but himself,” although perhaps missing the point that Obama is achieving precisely the results he is looking for.
A Manufactured Crisis
In the 1960s, Marxists Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven came up with a hard-hitting strategy to overload and collapse democratic welfare states. The idea was to inundate the system with demands which could not be morally refused. The fiscal cost of these demands would ultimately break the state, paving the way for socialism.
Barack Obama’s immigration actions (or lack thereof) seem to be an efficacious implementation of this strategy. He invited these minors into the U.S. He has virtually gutted America’s immigration enforcement system, and is talking of even more executive actions. Of course, both political parties are culpable, as there is an active bipartisan amnesty exponent in Congress.
This is a manufactured crisis of the first order – and it has backfired. Virginia voters just fired House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA), predominantly because he signed on to the Republican amnesty plan and expressed intent to work with Obama on a “Kids Act” for DREAMers.
One thing is clear: a nation without a border is not a nation. Perhaps this is how Obama intends to implement his “fundamental transformation of America.”