
POLL: As Border Crisis Escalates, Concerns Over Immigration Hit Two Decade High

Published on April 25th, 2022

A new Gallup poll released on Tuesday indicates that concern over illegal immigration is near a two decade high.

The Hill broke down the findings.

In a poll conducted March 1-18, 41 percent said they worry a great deal about illegal immigration, the highest total since 2007, when 45 percent of respondents said they were concerned a great deal about the issue.

Overall, around 60 percent of adults said they worry at least a fair amount about illegal immigration.”

Among Republicans, the poll illustrated their growing concern over this issue.

For Republicans, worry has increased in the past two decades, with 68 percent concerned about illegal immigration, down from 76 percent last year but up significantly from 29 percent in 2001, according to the poll.” 

Gallup also reported in their writeup that independents are increasingly alarmed over this issue.

Worry about illegal immigration among political independents falls between Republicans’ and Democrats’ concern — although, like Republicans, more independents are concerned a great deal (39%) than not at all (21%). And, perhaps important with the midterm elections approaching, independents’ concern has been on the upswing, with those worried a great deal rising from 30% since 2018.

This concern tracks with recent border numbers coming out for March, which broke a 22 year record with 221K illegal border crossings.

Keep in mind, Gallup’s poll was conducted prior to the Biden administration’s announcement that they would be rescinding Title 42.

We can’t imagine how much more of a boost the poll numbers would receive if they conducted it after that became public.

We have posted ad nauseam about the border crisis and how it’s set to escalate once Title 42 is rescinded.

It seems like the American public is taking notice as well.

The real question is, how will they hold their government accountable and get them to do something about it?

Needless to say, the immigration crisis could have major implications for the upcoming midterm election and the future of immigration policy in this country.

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