
Trump’s Revised Executive Order Ignores the Commonsense Solution – Resettle Refugees Abroad

Published on March 8th, 2017

President Donald Trump’s revised, softened executive order that pauses refugee entry from six terrorist-sponsoring nations – Iran, Somalia, Sudan, Yemen, Libya and Syria – and suspends the refugee resettlement admissions program for 120 days is sure to set off explosive racism and anti-Muslim charges leveled at the administration. The new executive order’s full details are here in the complete text, “Protecting the Nation from Foreign Terrorist Entry into the United States.”

Trump signs second, more tempered executive order to
pause refugee travel into the U.S.

A pause that will allow the federal government to develop better, more thorough vetting makes complete sense. According to a Department of Homeland Security official, of the 1,000 terrorism cases currently under FBI investigation, 300 suspects came to the United States as refugees. Some, said officials, came to “infiltrate” as terrorists, while others radicalized once inside the U.S.

In support of President Trump’s new executive order, Secretary of Homeland Security John Kelly said that a “rigorous review of our visa and refugee vetting program” is necessary to deter “malevolent actors using our immigration system to take American lives.”

CAPS maintains that the safest, most efficient and most economically prudent way to resettle refugees is to place them close to their native countries so they can return when the civil conflicts tearing their societies apart end. This commonsense resettlement option is one President Trump’s administration could take advantage of at any time.

Please go to helpmorerefugees.com here to learn more details.


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