
Two of Three Americans Support S.B. 1070; Will Supreme Court Agree?

Published on June 12th, 2012

Between now and November, American voters will hear empty promises about job creation and misleading demands that the “harsh rhetoric” about immigration must end.

But what’s left unsaid is that over-immigration contributes significantly to American unemployment. After all, adding nearly 1 million immigrants with work authorization to the economy every year makes the job search for the unemployed tougher. As for the frequently referenced “harsh rhetoric,” this phrase is applied thoughtlessly and erroneously to anyone who speaks out in favor of enforcement or ending alien entitlements.

If, for example, a candidate  opposes the DREAM Act, he’s guilty of harsh rhetoric. Facts be damned! [Harsh Immigration Rhetoric Not Helpful to GOP Hopefuls, Ruben Navarrette, Austin Statesman, September 24, 2011]

In the eyes of open borders enthusiasts, nothing is “harsher” than Arizona’s S.B. 1070. In truth, however, no mainstream media story has been more widely misrepresented than those written about S.B. 1070. Most suggest that Arizona’s Hispanics are at risk of being detained and eventually deported for merely looking Hispanic.

But when Americans learned the truth about S.B. 1070—that illegal aliens’ immigration status only comes into play if they are apprehended for other offenses—the majority approve the legislation.

In anticipation of the Supreme Court’s S.B. 1070 decision expected later this month, CBS polling showed that 52 percent found the bill “about right,” 11 percent thought it “didn’t go far enough” and  33 percent said  it goes “too far.” Read another way, the poll’s results indicate that at least 63 percent of Americans (two out of three) agree with S.B. 1070. [Poll: Most Americans Think Immigration Law Is “About Right,” by Luci Madison, CBS News, June 12, 2012]

Although the poll didn’t break out its results, a logical conclusion is that S.B. 1070’s popularity would be higher among border than residents. People who live in states with few immigrants can’t measure the overall impact that more immigration has on their population growth, schools and health care facilities.

Capitol Hill insiders speculate that the Supreme Court will uphold S.B. 1070, or at least most of its major provisions.

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