U.S. Finally Gets a Presidential Candidate Who Takes on Utter Failure of Open Borders Policies
Published on July 22nd, 2016
After years of being ignored or dismissed, last night millions of Americans were given a voice when billionaire businessman Donald J. Trump accepted the GOP nomination for President of the United States, directly and clearly calling out the country’s massive immigration failure in all its reality, and promising, “We will be a country of law and order.”
Those who have not had their stories told by mainstream media, or listened to by elected officials and others from corporate offices to academic offices, include the many who have had family members victimized or murdered by illegal aliens. Not listened to for years also have been ranchers and farmers who live on the U.S.-Mexico border and experience first-hand the lawlessness of illegal immigration, members of law enforcement, workers who have lost jobs to foreign workers and concerned citizens, among others.
Stating that government’s most basic duty is to defend its citizens – and alluding to the past eight years of the Obama Administration and his competitor for the White House who has vowed to continue Obama’s policies – Trump said, “Any government that fails to do so is a government unworthy to lead.”
Trump declared, “The crime and violence that today afflicts our nation will soon come to an end” and proceeded to some of the facts that CAPS has addressed: nearly 180,000 illegal aliens with criminal records ordered deported are “roaming free to threaten peaceful citizens,” and more illegal immigrant families have entered the U.S. year-to-date than in all of last year, most being released “into our communities with no regard for the impact on public safety or resources.”
He named several victims of illegal immigration, including parents Sabine Durden, Mary Ann Mendoza and Jamiel Shaw whose children were killed by illegal aliens; 32-year-old Kate Steinle, and 21-year-old Sarah Root, killed the day after graduating college with a 4.0 grade point average.
“I’ve met Sarah’s beautiful family,” Trump said. “But to this Administration, their amazing daughter was just one more American life that wasn’t worth protecting. One more child to sacrifice on the altar of open borders.”
Calling for putting Americans first, Trump said his plan would begin with safety at home – “safe neighborhoods, secure borders and protection from terrorism. There can be no prosperity without law and order.”
Further, Trump called for an immediate suspension of “immigration from any nation that has been compromised by terrorism until such time as proven vetting mechanisms have been put in place.” Trump then called out his opponent and her proposal for what he described as “a radical 550 percent increase in Syrian refugees on top of existing massive refugee flows coming into our country under President Obama.”
What the many who oppose mass illegal immigration have wanted to hear for years, Trump declared, “We are going to have an immigration system that works, but one that works for the American people.”
Whether a populist or a New Republican, Trump is calling for real change. By the time the talking heads started dissecting last night’s speech, Trump was being called the “Change Candidate.” This was the expectation for “Hope and Change” candidate Barack Obama eight years ago. Feeling short-changed, Americans still are seeking change. Besides righting the immigration system, Trump has a major list of other changes he wants to bring. With the many promises, if elected, he might not even get the spare four hours of sleep he reportedly operates on!
Read the transcript of Trump’s full acceptance speech here.
Next week in Philadelphia we’ll see if Trump’s opponent continues to push immigration anarchy even further than President Obama has during the last eight years. Stay tuned …