
Anti-immigration ad takes aim at Congressman Kevin McCarthy

Published on August 19th, 2013

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BAKERSFIELD – An anti-immigration commercial is taking aim at Congressman Kevin McCarthy. The ad claims the Congressman is open to open borders and legalizing eleven million undocumented immigrants.

“Bakersfield Congressman Kevin McCarthy wants to bring in more immigrant workers,” the ad begins.

The non-profit group that put out the ad is “Californians for Population Stabilization” or CAPS. It claims to have 250,000 members in the state. It also has 19 more commercials just like the McCarthy one. Some blast other California lawmakers and others attack politicians in other states, like Senator Marco Rubio in Florida.

“Bakersfield Congressman McCarthy is talking about legalizing eleven million illegal aliens, adding millions more to welfare,” the CAPS ad continues.

CAPS media director Joe Guzzardi appeared on 17 News at Sunrise Wednesday to talk immigration reform. In a phone interview Friday, Guzzardi said he met with Vince Fong from McCarthy’s office Wednesday and believed the CAPS ad helped push the congressman to take a stronger position. Before that meeting, however, he said this on the air: “I’m encouraged to hear that Congressman McCarthy wants border security first,” said Guzzardi.

In fact, McCarthy has said again and again that he supports border security before the bill. Since early July he said securing our borders was a “first step to the solution,” and he issued similar statements on July 15th and this past Wednesday, stating border security was the important issue.

The CAPS ad tells a different story though, one McCarthy’s office says isn’t true. McCarthy is currently in Israel, but his office sent this statement:

“There are many special interest groups outside the district that want to share their views and are willing to spend large sums of money to do so. However, Congressman McCarthy has and will always value the views of his constituents. His support for a step-by-step approach to solving our broken immigration system starting first with securing the border remains unchanged.”

Guzzardi said in a phone interview Friday that the ad was necessary to keep McCarthy firm on securing the border and that many politicians are known to flip flop on issues.

However, since 17 News proved McCarthy has kept his same position, we asked if the ad would now be pulled or changed. CAPS said it has no plans to do so.

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