
Some scary DREAM facts

Published on December 29th, 2010

Los Angeles Times
Letter to the Editor
December 29, 2010

Re "Some readers celebrate the demise of the DREAM Act," Column, Dec. 24

Does Hector Tobar think the population can grow forever?

In support of the DREAM Act amnesty, he mentions that fully 16% of L.A. County’s workforce is undocumented, many with families. He expresses no misgivings about this large, unending stream of people.

L.A. is hardly so underpopulated that it needs to cram in more people however they arrive. The county isn’t growing; only its population is.

Tobar cherry-picks his economic points to justify yet another amnesty: Thanks to the labor of the undocumented, we all get cheaper food, child care and car washes. He neglects to mention that we all get cheaper paychecks as well.

Reliance on an endless stream of cheap labor will ultimately bring a nightmare of overpopulation and wage depression. Scrooge’s nightmares cannot compare to this.

Kenneth Pasternack
Board, Californians for Population Stabilization
Santa Barbara

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