
Biden’s First Year Sees One Million Increase In Illegal Alien Population

Published on May 2nd, 2022

Everyone knows the border crisis is out of control.

A new analysis from the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) confirms it.

FAIR’s analysis shows that Biden’s lax border policies have resulted in a one million person increase in the illegal alien population over his first year in office.

Fox News Digital received the analysis early, and broke down its findings.

The study estimates that there are approximately 15.5 million immigrants living in the U.S. illegally, up from 14.5 million in 2020. Other estimates have typically put that number at around 11 million for years, but immigration hawks have expressed skepticism that the number has stayed flat given the increased activity at the border.

FAIR’s analysis also conducted a fiscal cost study, finding that illegal immigrants are imposing a net fiscal burden of at least $143.1 billion – an increase of $9.4 billion over 2020.

The Fox writeup added that the FAIR report attributes this increase in illegal immigration to the hiring of illegal labor as the economy reopens, and the Biden administration’s rollback of strict border policies.

The increase in the illegal alien population tracks with the crisis along our border.

As the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) pointed out recently, there’s been more than one million arrests at our southern border since October 2021.

This is the fastest pace in two decades according to the WSJ report, which cited data from U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

We recently blogged about the record setting 221K illegal border crossings this past March, which broke a 22 year record.

Bad immigration policy goes well beyond the initial wave of illegal border crossings.

Long term it affects everything from wages, to the environment, to billions more spent in taxpayer dollars.

The most troubling aspect is these are the numbers after just one year of these open border policies.

We can’t imagine what things will look like one year from now if this situation continues to escalate.

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