Who We Are

Our Mission

Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) works to formulate and advance policies and programs designed to stabilize the population of California, the U.S. and the world at levels that will preserve the environment and a good quality of life for all.

Out-Of-Control Population Growth Threatens The California Dream

It’s true. California is one of the greatest places on Earth to live. The climate is nearly perfect, environmental treasures abound, and the California lifestyle is a unique piece of American culture admired worldwide. It’s easy to understand why so many people want to live here. Unfortunately, California’s population has doubled, from 20 million to 40 million since the first Earth Day in 1970. That rapid pace of population growth has put major strains on California. It has caused more pollution, more degradation of our environmental treasures, more traffic, overcrowded schools, higher taxes, longer waits at emergency rooms, and even more job competition. While these population-oriented strains are more pronounced in California, the changes are occurring all across America. 

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Concerned Californians Rise To The Challenge

That’s why a concerned group of California environmentalists, doctors, lawyers, professors, writers and surfers banded together in 1986 to start Californians for Population Stabilization. They saw the California dream slipping away and along with it, the American dream. It was important to them that the next generation of Americans have the same opportunities they had growing up. They wanted to save some California and some America for their grandchildren.

Today, Californians for Population Stabilization, often referenced as “CAPS,” has grown into one of the largest member-based population stabilization organizations in the country with tens of thousands of supporters. And CAPS’ influence reaches far beyond California. The organization is recognized as a national leader in the population stabilization movement. Countless news stories have been filed about CAPS work, locally and nationally. CAPS regularly meets with state lawmakers as well as the nation’s power players on Capitol Hill. CAPS’ mission today is the same as it was in 1986: to help Californians and all Americans understand the consequences of out-of-control population growth so that our nation can develop informed and appropriate policies to ensure we save some America for future generations. CAPS is a nonprofit organization, dedicated to a bi-partisan approach to population stabilization.

California Has Challenges. CAPS Has Common Sense Solutions

So, “where are all the people coming from?” asks one CAPS TV commercial. It’s a good question because based on U.S. Census figures, people aren’t moving to California from other parts of the country. For years, more Americans have been leaving California than moving here. So, where were all the people coming from? Most Californians already know the answer. The state’s growth is a product of mass immigration. Virtually all of California’s population growth over the last twenty years can be attributed to immigration and births to immigrants.   

That’s why CAPS advocates slowing immigration to more sustainable levels and promotes small family size. 

Don’t Blame Immigrants, Blame Our Government’s Antiquated Immigration Policy

It’s important to note that CAPS does not blame immigrants. We don’t blame people from other countries for wanting to come live here. We are pro-immigrant – we strive to meaningfully uphold and nurture the American Dream for people who want to come to the U.S. through legal channels in numbers that our environment and resources can reasonably accommodate (approximately 300,000 a year). We focus on all aspects of population growth.  Since immigration accounts for nearly all population growth in the U.S., we strive to educate Americans about our government’s irresponsible immigration policy that continues to import millions of people with no regard for whether they have skill sets that match the country’s economic needs, whether they will take American jobs, whether they will end up on welfare, or whether their numbers will stress our infrastructure and our environment. Other countries made smart changes to their immigration policies years ago. Yet today, America continues to allow more people to settle here every year than all the immigration of England, Germany, France and Canada, combined.  It is time our leaders updated their old way of thinking about immigration policy so immigration can become the positive force in America it once was. But they won’t do a thing unless they hear from all of us.

What You Can Do

In the end, the catalyst for policy change will come from Americans like you, your friends and neighbors, all speaking together. That’s where CAPS comes in. We help bring all our voices together to deliver a very loud, on-point message to the right leaders at just the right time. CAPS does it through hard-hitting TV ads, polls, research papers, publicity events, visits with legislators, and a legislative action alert system capable of delivering tens of thousands of messages to our leaders within minutes. Please, click here to join us today. Together, we can save some America for tomorrow.

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