'Angel Dad' Calls For Disbarring Illegal Immigrant Appointed To CA Government Post
Published on March 23rd, 2018
As we recently blogged here, Lizbeth Mateo, 33, was appointed to a committee that advises the California Student Aid Commission, even though it is illegal to hire an illegal immigrant. While the position isn't paid, she can receive compensation for expenses and the position IS recognized as an official government appointment by the state of California.
Rosenberg didn't mince words in his Fox News interview, when describing the problem with appointing Mateo:
"A few years ago, [Mateo] was probably in her late-20s, she left the country, went into Mexico, was part of a protest and came back," Don Rosenberg said. "As soon as she did that, she's now a criminal. She entered the country illegally so she's perjured herself when she took the oath of office."
In 2017, Governor Jerry Brown signed SB 54 into law designating California to be "sanctuary state." According to Fox News, Illegal immigrants in California can practice law, get a driver's license, receive in-state tuition and receive some welfare benefits.