
Dangerous ‘Safe Spaces’ on College Campuses are Un-American

Published on June 1st, 2016

America and its citizens are under attack from outside forces – from terror and criminal organizations seeking to enter the country, wreak havoc and ply their violent and criminal “trades” – and from forces within the United States.

Examples of forces from within are globalists, including organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and, in fact, all who advocate for open borders and other dangerous and wrong-headed goals, including massive legalization programs for unknown millions of illegal aliens.

In the wake of the terror attacks of September 11, 2001, I have testified before numerous Congressional hearings and appeared on various television and radio news programs and college campuses to discuss and debate issues relating to the nexus between immigration and national security. Included in what I share is how immigration system failures have enabled criminals to enter the U.S., along with massive – indeed, unprecedented – numbers of foreign workers to displace hardworking American workers.

Within the past several years, however, many television networks no longer provide the opportunities for open and honest discussions about immigration. Increasing numbers of television networks have developed and grown their multilingual subsidiary programming that has proven to provide huge revenue streams. Broadcast networks are focused on profits which are determined by the size of the audience that their programming reaches. Network executives are eager to do whatever they need to do to grow their audience – even if their audience is comprised of illegal aliens.

For those executives, enforcement of our immigration laws might shrink that all-important audience they seek to increase.

Meanwhile, the number of foreign students on college campuses and other schools across the U.S. continues to grow annually. On April 29, 2016, ICE published quarterly statistics concerning foreign students. It showed a 6.2 percent increase in foreign students attending schools in the U.S. versus the prior year.

This report noted, in part:

“Forty percent of international students studying in the United States, equaling almost 479,000 individuals, were enrolled in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) coursework. Approximately 417,000 international students from Asia pursued STEM studies, an increase of 17 percent since March 2015.”

Schools are eager to enroll foreign students who generally pay full tuition and provide universities across the country with that all-important revenue stream.

Silicon Valley is eager to displace American high-tech workers with foreign workers who are willing to work for wages that are substantially lower than the wages that American workers seek. In my recent article, “Educating Our Adversaries: Why educating foreign STEM students is bad for American workers and national security,” I quoted Alan Greenspan who repeatedly called for flooding America with large numbers of highly skilled foreign STEM workers who, by competing with Americans, would greatly reduce what he described as their “wage premium.” He asserted that this would greatly reduce inequality in wages between Americans with skills from those with lesser skills. In other words, by destroying the middle class wage structure we would essentially eliminate the middle class.

I have debated these issues on college campuses and generally within just minutes the students who initially came to protest any open discussions about immigration quickly came to understand that it is in their own best interests to stop the madness of importing foreign students and foreign workers.

The First Amendment, and consequently free speech, and especially debate, as I noted in my recent Memorial Day article, “Honoring our Fallen Soldiers,” allows for competing ideas. As I noted:

“In a manner of speaking, debate is an example of ‘intellectual capitalism.’ Capitalism is about bringing competing products, services and concepts to a free market place where consumers can decide which product or service serves them the best.

“In a totalitarian economy the government decides what products will or won’t be made available to the citizens. When institutions shut down competing ideas, they become totalitarian.”

Increasingly, college administrators are creating “Safe Zones” to shut down debate and discourse. They know their goals run contrary to the best interests of their students. Rather than concede defeat and end their betrayal of America and Americans – and especially their students – they seek to quell debate. This is not unlike rebels who, upon carrying out a coup, seize radio and television stations to control the information made available to the populace.

It’s time for our colleges to teach and demonstrate Democracy!

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