
DHS to Border Patrol: Ignore Drunken Illegal Immigrants

Published on February 27th, 2015

Texas U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen’s ruling to delay implementation of President Obama’s executive action is the first step of what might be a long process. The case now moves to the Fifth Circuit Appeals court where weeks may pass before its opinion is issued.

Enforcement advocates hope the circuit court upholds Hanen’s decision since every day, or so it seems, brings to light another Obama overreach that favors illegal immigrants at the expense of citizens and legal immigrants. Some of Obama’s policies put public safety at risk.

…doesn’t apply to illegal immigrants speeding through drug corridors.

Judicial Watch, a nonpartisan, Washington, D.C.-based organization, has obtained Department of Homeland Security internally issued memorandums. The memos urge the 4,000-plus border patrol agents on duty at the heavily traveled, 262-mile long Tucson sector to release drunk drivers and “allow them to go on their way.” In other words, send liquor-impaired aliens into the general population where, in their inebriated condition, they could kill innocent drivers and their passengers, or pedestrians. Alcohol contributes to one motor vehicle death every 51 minutes, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

Tucson is a popular point for illegal alien crossings and drug trafficking. DHS defends its position by telling officers that their job description doesn’t include interfering with state law enforcement, including driving under the influence of alcohol. During fiscal 2014, agents apprehended 87,915 aliens and seized 971,180 pounds of marijuana.

Even though the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has numerous programs to encourage sobriety on the road, Obama is willing to give drunken aliens a pass.

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