
DOJ Wrist Slaps Employers that Hire Illegal Immigrants

Published on July 14th, 2016

Effective August 1, the Department of Justice will raise the penalties it imposes on employers who hire illegal immigrants from a minimum $375 to $539, while the maximum fine will increase from $3,200 to $4,313.

Minor penalties for major crimes.

For all but the smallest businesses, these are modest sums, and inconsistent with the felonious act of alien hiring which in most cases results in the displacement of American workers. Since the federal government has all but abandoned internal workplace enforcement, an employer would have to be exceptionally unlucky to get caught in the DOJ’s crosshairs.

The 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act (IIRIRA) forbids hiring or assisting in the employment of an illegal immigrant, aiding or abetting him, or acting as an agent on his behalf. Temporary employment or contract work does not exclude the employer from his responsibility to verify an applicant’s legal right to work.

Mandatory E-Verify would sharply reduce the need for workplace enforcement, would minimize employers’ temptation to hire aliens and, most important, would protect the shrinking number of available jobs for citizens and legal immigrants.

Take the E-Verify self-check test here to see how simple the process is. Then go to the CAPS Action Alert page here to tell Congress to pass mandatory E-Verify, HR 1147, the Legal Workforce Act. The bill would help take away the jobs magnet that encourages illegal immigration.

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