
DREAM Act Doomsday Scenario

Published on December 16th, 2010

The DREAM Act amnesty bill is awaiting a Senate vote after passing the House on December 8th by a vote of 216-198. All that Senator Reid has to do is to call for a vote – and it could happen very soon. It’s not known exactly when Reid will do this but time is running out in the regular session. Most likely Reid will call for a vote on the DREAM Act after the Senate decides the fate of several other blockbusters such as tax cuts and an unemployment extension, an omnibus spending bill, the START treaty, and the “don’t ask don’t tell” policy in the military. In a best case scenario the clock would run out so that the Senate doesn’t have time to vote on the DREAM Act. More than likely a vote would occur as early as the weekend or by next week. Reid has threatened to keep Congress in session as late as January 4th to vote on all the pending legislation, so the danger posed by the DREAM Act will persist until then. The DREAM Act as passed the House is the most viral of the four different versions in Congress. It has the potential to devastate what little is left of the job market and could almost obviate the H-1B program because of its provisions for work permits. Unfortunately the Senate version of the bill is an exact copy of the one approved by the House so there will no debate caused by differing versions. All it would need to become law is a signature by President Obama, who has voiced support for it many years before and after he became president. Soon after the DREAM Act is implemented American labor will experience a doomsday scenario as illegal immigrants that qualify will be issued a “conditional lawful permanent resident status” and a work permit. THERE IS NO LIMIT TO THE NUMBER OF WORK PERMITS THAT CAN BE ISSUED! Millions of work permits could be issued, allowing former illegal aliens to legally compete with U.S. citizens for jobs. Currently illegal alien employees can be deported if they are caught, but the DREAM Act will make it almost impossible to deport them, so it effectively becomes an Inducement-Only-Visa. Labor arbitrage in the U.S. will get worse as the labor market is flooded with job seekers who compete for dwindling numbers of jobs, and the result will be reflected in worsening unemployment rates. Work permits won’t be given only to aliens who crossed our border illegally – many who qualify will be immigrants who entered the U.S. with legal nonimmigrant visas that authorized them into the U.S. for temporary work, tourism, or education. The number of out-of-status nonimmigrants is very large because there has been ample time for significant numbers of foreigners to stay in the U.S. after their visas expired. Nobody knows exactly how many overstayers have embedded themselves into our society but they have had decades to do so. Consider the fact that the H-1 visa program has been around since 1952, the H-1B for 20 years, and the L-1 visa for 40 years. Potentially, even larger numbers of foreign students have stayed in the U.S. illegally after attending schools on J-1 and F-1 student visa programs. Support groups that advocate and lobby for H-1B are united with the pro-amnesty crowd to push the DREAM Act because there are multitudes of nonimmigrants who have overstayed their visa. These aliens are classified as “out-of-status” and are technically considered to be illegal aliens. Most of them live in fear of being deported so they consider the DREAM Act to be an easy way out of their situation. It will be a simple matter for these scofflaws to get amnesty by using the ample loopholes in the DREAM Act. Many of them have been educated in the U.S. so their claim to citizenship using the DREAM Act will be a simple matter of filling out paperwork. Their educations will empower them to compete for good paying jobs that Americans vitally need. Over time many of the aliens who will qualify for the DREAM amnesty had jackpot babies, and of course those children attended our schools and therefore will also qualify for amnesty. It’s no coincidence that the biggest percentage increase in illegal immigration is coming from the country that sends us the largest number of H-1Bs: India. Most of them arrived with legal nonimmigrant visas for tourism or to work in the U.S. on a temporary basis. Consider this, straight from the horse’s mouth:

Indians in the US are not only the fastest growing Asian community, but also have the dubious distinction of being fastest-growing group of illegal immigrants in the country.

According to the American Community Survey of the US Census Bureau, the Asian Indian population in the US grew from almost 1,679,000 in 2000 to 2,570,000 in 2007.

“Indians fastest-growing illegal immigrant group in US,” Thaindian News, by Arun Kumar, August 2009

So, what can you do to help stop the DREAM Act from passing in the Senate? It won’t be easy because most of the phone mail boxes for Senators are full. That’s because the open-border traitor lobby has flooded the Congressional phone system in support of the DREAM Act while simultaneously other hot-button issues are galvanizing huge numbers of callers. Please work to stop the DREAM Act by helping the campaigns by CAPS and other immigration activist groups that are trying to fight the cancerous DREAM Act before it metastasizes into an amnesty that will ruin the United States as we know it.

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