
Earth Day 2016: Time Long Overdue to Include Immigration as a Leading Variable in Population Growth

Published on April 19th, 2016

During Earth Day week, Californians for Population Stabilization is running radio spots that highlight the state’s immigration-driven population growth. The ad features a child – who represents California’s next generation – wondering where all the people are coming from if Californians are having fewer children. He questions why there are so many cars on the road, and whether the state will be able to provide enough water for its residents in 2050 when, according to the California Department of Finance, the population will hit 50 million, a ten million increase from today’s population.

Not enough water for 40 million Californians. But in 2050,
there will be 50 million. What happens then?

California’s unsustainable population growth is the leading contributor to urban sprawl and environmental degradation, as well as school and hospital overcrowding. According to statistics gathered by the Population Dynamics Research Group at the University of Southern California and based on data from the Census Bureau, California Department of Public Health and California Department of Finance, during the decade between April 2000 and April 2010, more than 90 percent of California’s population increase was directly tied to immigration, and births to immigrants.

On April 18, the Supreme Court heard U.S. v. Texas, a landmark case that will determine the futures of about 5 million illegal immigrants. A ruling favorable to the Obama administration will encourage more illegal immigration and more population growth. In 1986, the Immigration Reform and Control Act granted amnesty to about three million aliens. Today, the illegal alien population is estimated to be about 12 million.

To hear the CAPS ad and to learn more about California’s population crisis, please go to www.crowdifornia.org and capsweb.org.

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