
Epic Liberal Hypocrisy on Full Display at NYC Mayor’s Inaugural

Published on January 4th, 2014

Welcoming in a New Era with the New Year in New York, unapologetic Democrat and proud progressive Bill de Blasio was formally sworn in as the city’s 109th mayor on January 1 at a City Hall inauguration ceremony.

After two decades of Republican or centrist rule by two mayors – Republican Rudy Giuliani and Democrat-Republican-Independent Michael Bloomberg – long-suffering Democrats, liberals and progressives were ready to celebrate, and many were openly giddy and gloating.

The Limousine Liberals and hardcore lefties were back and lovin’ it.

At the inauguration, reports the New York Daily News, speaker after invited speaker denounced former Mayor Bloomberg’s policies for fostering what they claimed were Dickensian conditions in the Big Apple, or a Tale of Two Cities as de Blasio himself phrased it.

Former NYC Mayor Bloomberg sits in stony silence as speaker after speaker at the de Blasio inauguration lambaste his policies.

  • Singer and activist Harry Belafonte promised that Mayor de Blasio “would not let this city remain a community divided.” This is the same firebrand demagogue from Harlem who once likened former Secretary of State Colin Powell to a “house negro,” that is, a selfish plantation slave who sells out his principles and his race so he gets to sit at the master’s table.
  • Rev. Fred Lucas Jr., a chaplain in the NYC Sanitation Department, expounded on the slavery and plantation metaphor. He compared New York City to a modern-day “plantation.”
  • NYC’s Youth Poet Laureate Ramya Ramana recited a poem about a city beset with classism and “brown-stoned and brown-skinned playing a tug of war.”
  • NYC’s new public advocate, Letitia James, according to the Daily News, gave a “fiery speech that read like a wholesale repudiation of the Bloomberg era.” She said, “The growing gap between the haves and the have-nots undermines our city and tears at the fabric of our democracy.”

James described “a gilded age of inequality,” where “decrepit” low-income housing is overshadowed by multimillion-dollar condos and where “stop-and-frisk abuses and warrantless surveillance have been touted as success stories, as if crime can only be reduced by infringing on the civil liberties of people of color.”

There is indeed a widening gap between haves and have-nots in America. Much of it is due to the misguided, utopian immigration policies of Democrats, liberals and progressives themselves. Of course, these blind ideologues will never admit it, but it’s true.

Arrogant politicians and leftists of de Blasio’s ilk are the same types who allowed mass immigration and illegal immigration to batter the wages and working conditions of working class Americans over the last several decades. They are the same ones who denounce any move to curb illegal immigration as racist, xenophobic and futile.

It is politically correct lefties like these – and there are many in California, like the ever avant-garde hipster Gavin Newsom, former San Francisco mayor and current lieutenant governor – who have declared and maintained “sanctuary cities” for illegal aliens throughout the country, and who refused to cooperate with the INS or ICE. They unconscionably allowed illegal alien criminals to stay in our country and menace law-abiding citizens and legal residents.

These are the cynical hacks for whom, at the end of the day, immigrants themselves, and the American working class they supposedly represent, amount to mere fodder or pawns in their pursuit of greater power.

Republican mayors like New York’s Giuliani or L.A.’s Richard Riordan routinely touted their soft-on-illegal-immigration credentials, which hardly differed from those of Democrats. Bloomberg himself made it easy for illegal immigrants to stay and work in NYC.

If Republicans in Congress are stupid enough to follow the advice of Democrats and media pundits and grant another amnesty to illegals, in order to appear more “immigrant friendly” and pander to ethnic Hispanic and Asian interests, they will be treated with the same contempt as de Blasio’s supporters treated Bloomberg. And for being such chumps, they would richly deserve this derision.

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