
Legal Workforce Act Losers Grow Desperate; Ramp Up Their Outrageous Criticisms

Published on September 24th, 2011

This week’s losers in the House Judiciary vote on the Legal Workforce Act (H.R. 2885), the Democrats’ extreme left wing, are having a hard time coping with the new reality—enforcement.

Rep. Zoe Lofgren, one of E-Verify’s most relentless critics, said in an interview with the National Journal Daily after the 22-13 vote which went against her side that the bill “…won’t come to the House floor unless [agriculture workers] are taken care of. That’s my absolute belief. That’s not a threat.”

But it is a threat—one in an endless string of Lofgren pleas for an agricultural guest worker program.

Lofgren is the quintessential sore loser who will make any outrageous claim to discredit E-Verify. Not only will the Legal Workforce Act get to the House floor, it will pass because E-Verify will pick up some Democratic support in addition to most Republicans during the final vote.

Here’s a quick review of Lofgren’s long, losing battle against E-Verify

At a February Judiciary Subcommittee Immigration and Enforcement hearing, Lofgren made the well-worn, baseless argument that E-Verify is plagued by too many inaccuracies to implement the program nationwide.

Lofgren’s statement, mind you, was made immediately after a live demonstration that proved how quick and effective E-Verify is. Then, compounding her audacity, Lofgren went on to speculate that, had E-Verify been mandated in 2010, “it would have cost small businesses $2.7 billion in start up costs.” Given that E-Verify is completely free to its users, concluding that costs could aggregate $2.7 billion is quite a stretch even for Lofgren.

Then in a September hearing, Lofgren was back trying to keep illegal aliens employed by falsely discrediting E-Verify in the hope of defeating it. Said Lofgren at the time, “It [E-Verify] can't be done alone. Without those other reforms, mandatory E-Verify would create enormous damage." The other “reforms” Lofgren referred to include at the top of her list “comprehensive immigration reform.” [Republican E-Verify Bill Faces Growing Internal Opposition, by Elise Foley, Huffington Post, September 15, 2011]

From my archive of all Lofgren’s absurd pro-immigration statements, this could be the most foolish. Of course, E-Verify can “be done alone”. The legislation stands on its own merits. Comprehensive immigration reform is dead and has no bearing on E-Verify.

As I wrote earlier this year, Lofgren’s 16th Congressional District is struggling with unemployment above 11 percent. A U.S. representative concerned about American jobs—which Lofgren is not—would be 100 percent behind E-Verify. Instead, Lofgren is beholden to another master, the agriculture lobby that so generously donates to her campaigns.

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