New CAPS Video Explains Why Sanctuaries Threaten The American Dream
Published on December 22nd, 2018
There are many misconceptions about illegal and legal immigration and their impact on population growth in the United States. The media and amnesty activists like to portray 12 million illegal aliens in the United States as having no real impact on our population growth, the labor market, or pollution.
What they fail to mention is that in the past 30 years Congress has granted amnesty seven times to millions of illegal aliens. These amnesty recipients bring their families in from other countries and create a much larger pool of legal immigrants through chain migration.
As CAPS’ new video explains, sanctuaries put out the welcome mat for more amnesty seekers and their relatives, and their relatives’ relatives. Giving sanctuary to illegal aliens is not just dangerous, it’s a threat to the American dream.
Watch our new video here.
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