
North and South of the Border, Amnesty Advocacy Accelerates

Published on September 26th, 2013

Immigration advocacy never ends. During the August congressional recess, House representatives took a drubbing in their local districts from their irate constituents. At more than 400 Town Halls hosted by 150 representatives, the loud and clear message was, boiled down to two words, “No amnesty!”

When the House returned to Capitol Hill in September, immigration reform was, at best, stalled. Although few in Congress have the courage to say flat out that amnesty is dead, their strongly hedged comments indicated as much. The lone exception was, surprisingly, Luis Gutierrez (D-IL) who, responding to two key Republican resignations from the House Gang of 7, said, “It’s just not gonna happen now.”

Gutierrez made his prediction last week. But he may be wrong. Only two days after Gutierrez’s forecast, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced her broad outline to introduce amnesty legislation. Pelosi’s strategy is to force House Republicans into a vote, Americans’ wishes be damned.

Although Pelosi’s game plan is still evolving, insiders say she wants to introduce a bill virtually identical to the Senate Judiciary Committee’s version. In other words, Pelosi’s bill would include the bad – including tripling immigration numbers – but would exclude the $45 billion border security amendments that were added to the final Senate bill by Senators John Hoeven (R-ND) and Bob Corker (R-TN).

Meanwhile, as Pelosi, in tandem with California’s long-standing amnesty agitator Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-CA), plotted to further undermine America’s 20 million unemployed, Vice President Joe Biden did the same “South of the Border, Down Mexico Way” routine, to quote Gene Autry’s rendition of the great, old 1939 song.

Speaking in Mexico City to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, here are the lies Biden parroted about immigration:

It is not only from the perspective of the President, myself and the American people a matter of justice, respect and according dignity to all people to bring 11 million undocumented men, women and children out of the shadows, but it’s also overwhelmingly in the self-interest, the economic self-interest of the United States.

Interesting that Biden’s priority isn’t getting America working again, but rather taking 11 million “undocumented” aliens “out of the shadows” which, by the way, they’ve never been in. Also note Biden’s use of “respect” and “dignity,” an undisguised segue to the upcoming October 5 National Day of Dignity and Respect rallies funded by immigration extremists and radicals.

The administration’s multiple welcoming messages – prosecutorial discretion, deferred action for childhood arrivals, the relentless amnesty pursuit plus the flowery speeches from the President and Vice President – have encouraged Mexicans to renew their illegal migration to the U.S. With little probability of deportation and a decent chance of amnesty and legal work authorization, Mexicans have little to lose.

The Pew Research Hispanic Trends Project, in its new report, found that although illegal immigration, mostly from Mexico, tapered off during the recession, it’s now ticking up. According to Pew, the 2012 U.S. alien population was estimated to be 11.7 million, an increase from 11.3 million in 2009.

To end the never-ending madness, Congress and the White House should stop proposing amnesty, stop giving romanticized immigration speeches and instead pass legislation that would mandate E-Verify. These steps could be achieved in little time and would be a welcome relief for beleaguered American workers.

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