

War of Words

Published on October 19th, 2010

While much is being made of the anger of many Americans with their government, journalists are often the accomplices of the politicians who attempt to dupe the citizens of our nation. Few Americans actually read proposed legislation but take the words of...
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The Sting

Published on October 12th, 2010

The MSN Encarta online dictionary provides a number of definitions for the word “sting.” The 8th definition for this word is as follows: orchestrated swindle: an underhanded scheme, especially a carefully planned and orchestrated swindle ( slang ) In the film, “The...
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What’s Next for Meg Whitman?

Published on October 5th, 2010

California’s gubernatorial candidate Meg Whitman may have knowingly hired Mexican illegal alien Nicandra “Nicky” Diaz Santillan to work as a domestic in her home. Glorida Allred has jumped into vigorously defend Diaz while Whitman denies her culpability and charges her opponent Jerry...
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