
Remembering Dave Foreman’s Legacy of Conservation

Published on October 3rd, 2022

Foreman pictured on left with CAPS Board President, Ben Zuckerman.

Few have contributed more to the cause of conservation in North America than renowned environmentalist and late CAPS advisory board member, Dave Foreman.

Foreman’s accolades as an environmentalist span decades and include working for the Wilderness Society, serving on the Sierra Club’s board of directors, co-founding the Wildlands NetworkEarth First! and founding the Rewilding Institute.

A prolific author, Foreman wrote numerous books and essays, including Rewilding North America: A Vision for Conservation in the 21st Century, Confessions of an Eco-Warrior, Rewilding North America and most recently, Man Swarm and the Killing of Wildlife, in which he attributed the loss of biodiversity on the planet to overpopulation.

Foreman also publicly embraced lowering immigration levels as a means of stabilizing the population in the United States. A position many in the environment movement became less vocal on as the years have passed.

Unfortunately, conservation groups have lost the courage they had a couple of decades ago to stand up for wild nature. Now, organizations like the Sierra Club and Greenpeace are praising the Senate’s just-passed immigration “reform” bill. They are throwing their arms wide for more people, with little thought for those here now who struggle to find work, or for the wealth of wild things that need our protection more than ever.
-Dave Foreman, Earth Island Journal 2013

Dave will be missed by CAPS and many more in the environmental and rewilding movements.

RIP William David Foreman (October 18, 1946 – September 19, 2022)

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