Ad Pins Woes on Aliens
Published on December 27th, 2007
The Washington Times
September 19, 2007
A new ad campaign in California blames out-of-control immigration for many of the state’s problems, including overcrowded schools, traffic gridlock and environmental destruction.
"Here in California, the ocean is so polluted from runoff in many places from overbuilding that we can only swim on certain days of the year," said Diana Hull, president of Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS). "The air is so bad in many counties that our kids have the highest incidence of asthma in the country. Emergency rooms are closing. Schools are overcrowded, and illegal immigrants are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime."
The ad campaign emphasizes that "virtually all of California’s population growth over the past decade has been the result of a massive influx of immigrants and births to foreign-born women," CAPS said in a press release.
A TV ad shows children asking such questions as "If Californians are having fewer children, why are the schools so crowded?" and, "If Californians are having fewer children, why are there so many cars?"