
LTE: "With aquifer taps on, the ground is falling"

Published on August 23rd, 2015

Letter to the Editor
Kenneth Pasternack
August 23, 2015
As seen in:
The LA Times

This drought has accelerated groundwater pumping, but California's groundwater has declined for more than 50 years, drought or not.

Maybe it's time to reduce demand for water by reducing immigration and letting Americans' low birthrate shrink the population.  I know that anyone who suggests reducing immigration riskes being labeld a racist, but how long can Californians survive recurring droughts if there are a few million more of us each time?

Since the drought of 1976-77, Californians have reduced per-capita water consumption by about half.  That's remarkable in less than 40 years.  But it's equally remarkable tha the state's population has almost doubled.

We re worse off, with more people at risk and with less water.  California isn't growing, only its human population is, and that is the one thing we humans can easily control.

Kenneth Pasternack
Santa Barbara


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