
June 2015 E-Newsletter

Published on June 3rd, 2015

CAPS eNews and Action: Drought Spotlight

Water Shortage or People Longage?

You can count on CAPS to uncover the hidden and common sense truths about our drought crisis — overpopulation has made the problem worse for your family.  It's simple math.  More people need more water.

And now, thanks to a recent Los Angeles Times article, your cause is receiving nationwide media attention.  The article has also made our 2014 "If Californians are having fewer children, where are all the people coming from?" TV ad now so famous that we are capitalizing on the exposure and running it again in major California markets.  Thank you to our donors who make it possible!  Here's more you can do:

  • Californians, have you taken action on this recent drought-related alert to Governor Jerry Brown?  Take Action
  • Have you taken CAPS drought survey? Take Survey
  • Click here to read and share CAPS latest Issues piece California's Epic Drought: A Shortage of Water or a Longage of People?

Good News! 26-State Lawsuit Holding Up

The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals’ rejection of the Obama administration’s request to lift Texas Federal Judge Andrew Hanen’s temporary injunction on the president’s unilateral executive action amnesty represents a triumph for the 26 states who filed the suit, the Constitution and, in the words of Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton “a victory for those committed to preserving the rule of law in America” in the fight against President Obama’s “brazen lawlessness.”  Read more from CAPS National Media Director here.

Have you taken action on these recent alerts?

  • Tell Congress to pass the SAFE Act to finally end the visa lottery!  Take Action 
  • Tell your Reps. no fast-tracking TPA unless immigration is removed!   Take Action 

Your fight can only be won by sustained activism and loyal support from CAPS members like you.  Thank you for protecting our environment and a good quality of life for all.

Jo Wideman
CAPS Executive Director


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