
Obama Immigration Agenda Reaches Unimaginable Level; Aliens Will Fly to U.S. at Taxpayer Expense

Published on April 8th, 2015

By Joe Guzzardi
April 8, 2015

For journalists who cover the immigration beat, breaking audacious stories develop faster than earlier breathtakingly bad ones can be filed. The question is never what to write about, but rather which story merits priority. This week offers an unusual journalistic choice between an encouraging story, and one that underlines Obama’s determination to proceed on his breakneck pace to dismantle immigration enforcement.

The good news: A positive update on the lawsuit filed by a Texas-led coalition of 27 states which argues that if enacted Obama’s unconstitutional action would force the financially strapped states to absorb higher education, health care and law enforcement costs.

This week, Texas federal court Judge Andrew Hanen denied a Department of Justice request to lift his temporary hold on Obama’s executive action that would grant work permits, social security numbers, welfare benefits to about five million unlawful immigrants. Obama’s action would also officially remove most aliens from the already remote possibility of deportation. Judge Hanen said that the government hasn’t shown “any credible reason for why this directive necessitates immediate implementation.”

Also influencing Judge Hanen’s decision is evidence that the DOJ lied to the court about the status of Obama’s amnesty. When the court first asked for an update on the revised 2012 deferred action for childhood arrivals and the new 2014 deferred action for parents of citizens and permanent residents, the DOJ told Judge Hanen that permits had not been issued. Later, in a cautionary memorandum, the DOJ admitted that 103,000 reprieves had been granted prior to the programs’ official starting date. Although Judge Hanen considered imposing sanctions on the DOJ for “misleading him,” he promised to rule on the case’s merits. At the White House’s request, on April 21 the appeals court will hear arguments about whether the injunction should be lifted.

Now to the bad news: in what may be its most outrageous executive power overreach, the Obama administration announced a program that would provide one-way, taxpayer funded airline tickets to fly Guatemalan, Salvadoran, and Honduran minors to the U.S. under a new program called Central American Minors (CAM). No longer referred to as Unaccompanied Alien Children, the label used to describe the hoards who unlawfully crossed the border last summer, CAMs will be eligible for special refugee/parole programs. A Department of Homeland Security memo explains this shameful immigration law abuse as “family reunification” and an “orderly alternative to the dangerous journey that some children are undertaking to the United States.” DHS has deployed officials to the three countries to facilitate what it expects will be thousands of applications.

And of course, lured by the benefits that await them, thousands will apply. Included in the generous CAM package will be free education, food stamps, medical care, and living expenses. One way or another, these kids are coming. The Washington D.C. watchdog organization Judicial Watch reported that alien children who don’t qualify for coveted refugee status will be considered for parole.

A State Department official said “we want to make sure this program is open to as many people as possible.”

Obama’s immigration agenda, summarized, consists of rewarding as many aliens as possible with nary a thought to the shattering consequences on the historic American nation.

Joe Guzzardi is a Californians for Population Stabilization Senior Writing Fellow. Contact him at [email protected]

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