
Obama Promotes More Programs for Illegal Immigrant Students

Published on October 23rd, 2015

By Joe Guzzardi
October 23, 2015
Relentlessly pursuing his amnesty agenda that will irrevocably alter America, President Obama has delivered another blow to an increasingly angry and frustrated nation. Even though Obama’s latest amnesty for alien parents of citizen children (anchor babies) and legal permanent residents is stalled in federal court, he continues to subvert immigration law, this time through a Department of Education outreach program to illegal immigrants aimed at alien students.
Using Obama’s 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program as its basis, the DOE recently released a 63-page report, titled “DACA Consideration Fact Sheet,” which reads in part: “The Department hopes that educators, schools, and campuses will, as they see fit, draw upon the tips and examples in this Guide to better support undocumented youth and, ultimately, move us closer to the promise of college and career readiness for all.”
The DOE also encourages educational institutions to urge illegal aliens to take advantage of DACA, which offers temporary protection from deportation and grants employment authorization documents, had they not done so already. Additionally, the report offers complete instructions on how to apply for DACA, and how to renew once the initial two-year time frame has expired.
Start outreach early, the fact sheet recommends. Even though the very young may not qualify for DACA, if schools communicate about it, the information may filter back to parents or other family members that are eligible. In his statement, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Director Leon Rodriguez fully endorsed the DOE’s illegal immigrant advocacy and “applauds” it “for providing these resources to the undocumented young people in this country who can benefit from DACA.”
The fact sheet subtly promotes anarchy. Included are instructions on how to use community outreach to promote a local “Undocumented Immigrant Awareness Day.” Each and every educator should “highlight an issue faced by undocumented students or celebrate an accomplishment of the undocumented immigrant community.”
Here are a few things the DOE fact sheet conveniently ignores:
DACA is unconstitutional and was implemented without congressional approval. Congress writes and approves immigration law, not the White House or the DOE.

  • Section 8 of the1965 Immigration and Nationality Act stated that aiding and abetting unlawful immigration is a felony, and those who engage in it are subject to a fine, a jail sentence or both. If the INA were enforced, Rodriguez and others would be subject to penalties.
  • Americans spend billions of dollars annually subsidizing illegal immigrants’ educations even as school districts across the U.S. have cut back on important classes that were once considered vital parts of K-12 curriculums.
  • Taxpayers fund all government actions, including the DOE. Education programs must be restricted to those that will benefit Americans or legal immigrants.
  • Completely overlooked in the DOE’s illegal immigrant promotion is that preparing aliens for “career readiness” hurts American kids who will continue to struggle in a weak economy. In September, the Bureau of Labor Statistics showed that only 142,000 jobs had been created, most of them in part-time, low-paying positions. Additional competition for those few jobs works against Americans’ best interests.

President Obama, fulfilling his campaign promise to fundamentally transform America, doesn’t even balk at jeopardizing citizen children’s futures as he continues on his obstinate, all-encompassing mission.

Joe Guzzardi is a Californians for Population Stabilization Senior Writing Fellow. Contact him at [email protected]


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