

On Amnesty, Trump Holds the Hammer

Published on November 21st, 2017

By Joe Guzzardi November 21, 2017   Here’s how the Dream Act/DACA amnesty struggle shapes up as of today. Each side wants something, and has vowed to remain steadfast on demands. But as is always the case with immigration legislation, there are...
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Meanwhile, Down on the Southwest Border…

Published on November 19th, 2017

By Joe Guzzardi November 19, 2017   President Trump returned from a five-nation Asia tour, claiming “tremendous success” and declaring that “America is back.” But while President Trump was nation-hopping, troubling news surfaced on immigration, his signature issue.   Down on the...
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International Student University Enrollment Tops 1 Million

Published on November 14th, 2017

By Joe Guzzardi November 14, 2017 – Visa Overstays Problematic –   For the second consecutive year, international student enrollment in U.S. universities topped one million. According to the annual “Open Doors” report on the 2016-2017 academic year from the Institute of...
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Congress Obsesses over Amnesty

Published on November 12th, 2017

By Joe Guzzardi November 12, 2017   One year ago, 63 million Americans elected Donald Trump to the office of President of the United States. Energized by candidate Trump’s pledge to enforce America’s immigration laws and restore an immigration system that works...
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Temporary Protected Status Ending – Long Overdue!

Published on November 8th, 2017

By Joe Guzzardi November 8, 2017   Since Uzbek national Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov rented a truck to run over and murder eight people in New York, the Diversity Visa which enabled him to enter the United States has come under intense scrutiny....
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