
Welcome to Obama’s “New America”

Published on October 30th, 2015

By Joe Guzzardi
October 30, 2015
During the last few weeks, the congressional budget showdown, which increased spending by $80 billion, and the chaotic Republican debate have diverted Americans’ attention from the European refugee migration mess. That’s too bad because what’s going on in Europe may portend what’s coming to America unless its citizens get savvier about refugee resettlement’s high stakes.
Last month in Germany, a four-star hotel that employed 80 full and part-time workers ceased operations in order to convert to a Muslim refugee haven. The hotel also housed several small independently owned business that were forced to shut down. Imagine the Ritz-Carlton or Four Seasons abruptly turned into a refugee camp, and the American workers suddenly jobless.
In Sweden, a record 150,000 migrants may arrive this year, 30,000 of which are minors. For the time being the refugees are being housed in hastily constructed tent camps, but the Swedish Social Democrat government is contemplating ordering Swedes to take them in. Those who own a vacation home may be forced to sacrifice it to accommodate refugees.  Theaters, sports arenas and ski resorts have been converted into shelters. Last year Sweden, which according to the Swedish Migration Agency will need an extra $8.4 billion in 2016 and 2017 to subsidize refugees, announced that even if the migrants get jobs, the government will continue to grant them welfare benefits including a housing allowance. Reports from Sweden indicate that the nation is on the brink of financial and societal collapse.
Nothing, however, tops the news from Finland. Prime Minister Juha Sipilä has promised that since he’s currently living in the capital city of Helsinki, migrants are welcome to live in his permanent central Finland home.
While it may be unlikely that such extreme measures could ever be taken in the U.S., the probability is that refugee resettlement is further along in your state that you realize, and accelerating at breakneck speed. Politically well positioned, deep pockets organizations like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are urging that the U.S. accept 100,000 Syrian Muslims in addition to the annual 70,000 refugees taken every year. Many in Congress are on board including a majority of the allegedly conservative Freedom Caucus.
President Obama is the driving force behind the nation-dissolving “White House Task Force on New Americans.” On October 27, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invited “interested parties” to participate in a webinar to learn about the newly formed task force, an interagency effort to develop a federal strategy to “better integrate immigrants into local communities.” USCIS’ Office of Citizenship representative detailed the task force’s recent initiatives, and focused specifically on the “Building Welcoming Communities Campaign” and the “Citizenship Public Education and Awareness Campaign.” Most American have never heard of the task force, and with good reason. The media was not included among the “interested parties” that received an invitation.
While integrating immigrants sounds like a perfectly benign goal, the programs and their organizers are known as among the most radical pro-immigration, anti-American advocates. Their hope is, to quote their own words, “to seed” local communities with migrants that would allow Obama to fulfill his campaign promise to transform America.
A few reminders for Obama: about 75 percent of Americans want to limit refugee programs and also want less immigration. The White House’s priority should be to work toward reducing America’s poor, welfare-dependent from 50 million and to help find jobs for the millions of unemployed Americans.
Instead, the Obama administration seems intent on placing as many refugees as possible into the existing U.S. population regardless of Americans’ wishes and with no concern for the sustainability or safety of such an ill-conceived program. All anyone has to do is look at Europe’s failures to get a sobering glimpse of the future.

Joe Guzzardi is a Californians for Population Stabilization Senior Writing Fellow. Contact him at [email protected]


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