
Obama sells out American workers with immigration proposals

Published on February 14th, 2013

SANTA BARBARA, CA – February 14, 2013 — “Our first priority is making America a magnet for new jobs and manufacturing,” President Obama promised during his State of the Union speech, but he then undercut American workers with his immigration proposals to fill those jobs with foreign workers, according to the nonpartisan group, Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS).

 "Obama’s words were full of compassion for the unemployed and working poor, but his plans to bring in more foreign laborers demonstrate his insincerity,” said Marilyn DeYoung, Chairman of the Board of CAPS. “This will just increase competition for those without jobs and exacerbate our increasing income inequality. An amnesty for illegal workers will provide an incentive for even more illegal immigration.”

Along with his call for a “responsible pathway to earned citizenship” for illegal workers, the President wants to speed the flow and “cut waiting periods” for legal immigration. Many businesses prefer to bring in foreign workers and pay them lower wages instead of hiring Americans who need jobs.

Obama also failed to address the serious problems of chain migration and visa overstayers. Chain migration—the entitlement of adult relatives outside the immigrant’s immediate family to come to the U.S—is the driving force behind record levels of immigration in this country. Recently introduced legislation would remove this preference and limit family reunification to immediate family members.

About 40 percent of the illegal alien population arrived here legally, but then refused to leave when their visas expired. Even if Obama were committed to enhanced border security, inadequate law enforcement would lead to continued illegal immigration from those who overstay their visas.

Sen. Marco Rubio, offering the Republican response, said less about immigration than many had expected. He alluded to the possibility of an amnesty, but said, “First, we must follow through on the broken promises of the past to secure our borders and enforce our laws.”

“He may be experiencing some pushback on his support for amnesty,” said DeYoung. “It’s too early to tell, but his comments suggest he realizes Americans will not tolerate another false promise of secure borders like the one that accompanied the 1986 amnesty.”

“I wish President Obama and Congress had a little more empathy, and a little less empty rhetoric, for the over 12 million who are unemployed in this country. You do not fight unemployment by importing more workers. It really is that simple,” DeYoung concluded.

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