
World Population Awareness Week Is Oct. 17–23

Published on December 28th, 2007

  • California population group is local sponsor of event
  • State is growing faster than developing countries

SANTA BARBARA —Californians for Population Stabilization is joining with over 500 organizations to sponsor World Population Awareness Week from October 17–23. The event is an effort to expand understanding of rapid population growth and its deleterious effects. This year’s focus is on the world’s gender inequities. “Population growth is robbing our children and grandchildren,” according to Diana Hull, president of Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS). “We’re leaving them more crowding and fewer resources.”

With the world’s population currently at 6.5 billion, and growing by 74 million per year, it is expected to reach 7 billion within the next seven years.

“But it’s a mistake to think of overpopulation as an over there problem that only affects developing countries,” Hull cautioned. “We can see the effects all around us here—traffic congestion, sprawl, crowded schools, energy and water shortages.”

Last year California’s population increased by 539,000 to over 36.5 million. In fact, the state’s annual population growth rate of 1.5 percent is now higher than that of Indonesia. At this rate, California’s population will double in just 47 years.

As human population increases, the habitats of other species are destroyed to create room for more housing and roads.  California was once home to 5 million acres of wetlands, but today only 450,000 acres survive. Over 95 percent of the old-growth forests have been cut.

CAPS is a nonprofit organization that seeks a balance between population and resources. It promotes replacement-level fertility and replacement-level immigration.

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