
Driest Three Years on Record in Overpopulated CA

Published on October 10th, 2022

According to a recent article published in the LA Times, California just experienced its driest three years on record. This goes back to 1896, which is when this data was first collected.

The period from 2020-2022 beat out the previous record from 2013-2015. The date range uses the water year, which starts on October 1st and goes through September 30th every year.

The article breaks things down further:

The 2022 water year ended with statewide precipitation at 76% of average and statewide reservoir storage at 69% of average, officials said. The reservoir levels are slightly better than last year but still far below normal, as nearly 95% of California remains in extreme, exceptional or severe drought, the three worst categories under the U.S. Drought Monitor.

The article further explained the weather events that occurred in 2022 which contributed to this extremely dry period.

The 2022 water year began with a notably wet and snowy October through December and was followed by the driest January through March in more than 100 years.

This news follows the recent, record breaking California heat wave, which was so severe that the state barely managed to avoid rolling blackouts.

The past few months have also seen exceptionally low water levels in California reservoirs. We’ve also seen a summer marred with wildfires and agricultural issues.

The article attributes much of this drought to the effects of climate change. It’s well worth a full read as it goes into detail about water conservation measures, and how this is also a regional issue that affects surrounding states.

As usual, the article omits any discussion of the role overpopulation plays in this crisis. We keep increasing the amount of people, and there’s simply not enough water to go around.

We sound like a broken record, but so many of our state’s problems lead back to overpopulation and overextending our resources. We’ve warned in the past how mass migration via illegal immigration has played it’s role as well.

Discussing the California drought without mentioning overpopulation, is like explaining earthquakes without mentioning tectonic plates. Not discussing the overpopulation issue doesn’t make it go away. The incredibly dry three years we just experienced proved that.

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