Revisiting How we Got Here
Published on October 14th, 2015
I have been asked by CAPS to write a series of blog posts. I feel uniquely qualified to write about population growth caused by legal and illegal immigration as I've forgotten more about these subjects than most people will ever know. It’s not a blessing, but a curse. I feel like Renfield in “Dracula,” as it is my personal burden, maybe yours also, to see what is happening to our country and wonder why few others do.
If you are looking for political correctness, you won't find it in any of my posts. Political correctness is what landed us in this situation to begin with, and what keeps us there. If I make you cringe from time to time, I’m doing my job.
Most Americans are happy to sit on their couches and use television as bubble gum for their eyes. So the truth is, unfortunately, that I may just be preaching to the choir here. Just a couple of platitudes are all it takes to silence most of the American public on immigration – just say diversity and multiculturalism, as though these phrases have become our manifest destiny. Sad, we think only what we are told to think.
My future posts will deal with my history in immigration reform … wait, hasn't even that phrase been co-opted by the other side? Also, the reasons and motives for the tidal wave of present immigration that supplants that of the Statute of Liberty days by far. And the incredible contradictions of this subject which make it so interesting, such as: Why are they illegal aliens at the border, but undocumented workers by the time they make it to your backyard?
Don’t kid yourself, illegal immigration has become the norm in this country. It is championed by the right for cheap pliable labor and the left with their misguided idea that the United States can be the lifeboat to the world. The other side keeps us busy with a million distractions which they are very good at as time is on their side and stalling creates status quo, while we have to beg to have laws that already exist enforced.
Of course the object of our outrage is illegal immigration, and most of my commentary will pertain to it, but the reader can assign varying degrees of the same reasoning to legal immigration. In fact, no distinction should be made between the two anymore, as the bottom line is they are all people who end up in the U.S. permanently.
So let’s cut to the chase, and get on with it. Where are we now in this whole mess?
Well, the fact is that, despite the hand wringing on the part of the federal government that it’s impossible to deport tens of millions of people (I promise you, it’s not impossible), illegal aliens – whether they came across the border in the middle of the night or fraudulently overstayed their visas – continue to remain in the U.S. for one and only one reason: the government wants them here. Period. End of story. Mystery solved.
There is one word that helps solve the mystery, consumerism. More on that next time.