Sign Petition on White House Site to End Relocation of Syrian Refugees to U.S.
Published on November 16th, 2015
Americans hoping that the Paris tragedy would motivate President Obama to rethink his plan to admit at least 10,000 Syrian refugees in 2016, and even more in 2017, should reacquaint themselves with 9/11’s history.
Immediately after the United States’ permissive immigration policies had allowed the 9/11 terrorists to enter on visas, overstay them and for some to become naturalized citizens, cries went up in Congress to get tough. Bold talk emerged from Capitol Hill about making visas harder to come by, and securing the border. But within weeks the rhetoric died down, and immigration business returned to normal. Assuming roughly 1 million legal immigrants arrive every year, about 15 million, including terrorists, have come to America legally since 9/11, plus millions more guest workers and illegal aliens.
If 2,900 deaths and destruction of New York’s World Trade Center isn’t enough to awaken Congress, there’s no real reason that 129 dead and about 300 injured in Paris, nearly 4,000 miles from Washington D.C., will change the open borders mindset that President Obama so lovingly embraces.
Fake Syrian passport helped enable Paris massacre. |
And indeed, while Paris was still grieving and proof had surfaced that at least one of the terrorists held a Syrian passport, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes brazenly said that the president has no intention of changing his plans to bring more Syrians to America. Rhodes said: “We have very robust vetting procedures for those refugees. It involves our intelligence community, our national counterterrorism center, extensive interviews, vetting them against all the available information.”
However, knowledgeable sources like Peter King (R-NY), a member of the Homeland Security Committee and Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence, pounced on Rhodes’ statement, declared it false, and said, “What he [Rhodes] said about the robust vetting about refugees is untrue.” King noted that Syria has no databases that would allow for proper vetting. Calling for an end to political correctness, and more intense surveillance of Muslim communities where terrorism is often taught and encouraged, King urged a suspension of Obama’s Syrian migration program.
Only a few days have passed since Paris and Obama’s obstinate declaration that he’ll continue to bring Syrians despite overwhelming objection from Americans. There’s still time to make your voice heard.
The White House We the People site has posted a petition that demands an indefinite Middle East refugee resettlement moratorium. Sign it here. And call your congressional representatives to insist that funding for Syrian resettlement end immediately. Senators Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Lindsey Graham want to add $1 billion to expedite Syrian resettlement. A CAPS Action Alert to cut funding is here.