Peter Nunez Sheds Light on How the U.S. Is Encouraging Illegal Immigration


Peter Nunez Sheds Light on How the U.S. Is Encouraging Illegal Immigration

Published on July 11th, 2019

In a recent opinion editorial published in the San Diego Union-Tribune, former federal prosecutor, Peter Nunez, provides excellent commentary on how the United States is encouraging more illegal immigration.

Nunez not only describes the problem, he accurately points out that both political parties are culpable and that Congress could fix the problem, if it wanted to.

It is a must read on the illegal immigration debate, and provides some insight into why illegal immigration is among the top concerns of voters as 2020 approaches.

Excerpt of the piece from the San Diego Union-Tribune:

From the early 1970s through the recession of 2007-2008, over 1 million people were arrested every year trying to enter this country illegally. But the number of arrests dropped dramatically over the next 10 years, due primarily to changing economic conditions in both the United States and Mexico.
For the last two years, we have witnessed a dramatic increase in border arrests, with every indication that this surge will continue, despite an unprecedented effort by our current president to deal with this crisis.
No president in history has made stopping illegal immigration a greater priority. Yet the numbers of arrests continue to soar. Why? Because despite the president’s efforts, this country continues to encourage illegal immigration, in a multitude of ways.
We encourage it by rewarding it. It is a crime to knowingly hire unauthorized immigrants, but we refuse to enforce those laws. We allow employers to hire people who have no right to work in this country, because they can pay them less, provide fewer benefits and worse working conditions, and fire them if they complain.
Read the full San Diego Union-Tribune piece from Peter Nunez here.

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