
CAPS Praises Bill That Allows Victims of Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens To Sue Sanctuary Jurisdictions

Published on June 30th, 2019

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Ventura, CA (June 30, 2019) Rep. Ted Budd (R-NC) and Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) introduced H.R. 3964, The Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act, a bill that would give victims of crimes by illegal aliens the right to sue sanctuary jurisdictions for damages. Senator Thom Tillis (R-NC) introduced a corresponding bill in the Senate, S. 2059, earlier this month.
The Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act would block federal grant money from jurisdictions who refuse to waive immunity from civil action related to crimes committed by illegal aliens in sanctuary jurisdictions.

Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) Executive Director Ric Oberlink said:

“The Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act is a common sense bill that gives victims of crimes committed by illegal aliens recourse to seek damages from jurisdictions who give sanctuary to illegal aliens. All levels of government should be accountable to the people. When state or local officials refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement officials, we become the victims.”

“Too many families have had their lives destroyed by criminal illegal aliens benefitting from sanctuary policies. If Congress can’t pass legislation outlawing cities and states from giving sanctuary to criminal illegal aliens, the least they can do is allow victims to seek damages when these jurisdictions fail to cooperate with federal law enforcement officials. It’s willful negligence, and it has to stop.”

CAPS is urging our supporters to tell their members of Congress to pass the Justice for Victims of Sanctuary Cities Act!
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